atelier le balto opens KREUZ & QUER,
nearby the academie of art of Courtrai (Kortrijk) in Belgien, within 10 other gardens created by 10 international teams.

The city of Kortrijk
Kortrijk is a Belgian city located in the Flemish province West Flanders. With some 80.000 inhabitants it is the seventh largest city in the Flemish region.
Kortrijk is famous for Interieur Kortrijk, a major international Biennale which offers an overview of the most recent developments and the most successful projects in product development and design.
Secret Garden 09 Kortrijk
A new international biennale of temporary city gardens, designed by (landscape) designers from different European countries. The gardens are realized on existing sites in the city (‘friches’, small parks, parking lots, etc).
The biennale has a twofold aim:
– To reveal hidden, secret, neglected or underused public and semi-public spaces in the city, and to transfom this places for the duration of one summer into places of beauty, surprise, amazement, imagination and exaltation (the ‘festival’ aspect).
– To start a reflection and a dynamic which must lead to a more permanent interest and attention for the public space, to investigate the potentials of the ‘garden’ as an instrument of urban renewal, to incite new interpretations, and, at the end, to make better public spaces (the ‘laboratory’ function).
Ten ephemeral gardens have been realize on ten existing sites throughout the city. They are open for the public from the 29th of mai 2009 until the 11th of october 2009.